The Parkes Project has come to an end, for now anyway. To read the Parkes Project blog series, go here.
I had hoped to tie up the loose ends with a pretty bow, but sadly, that was not to be. I know the answers will come one day. I am wrapping tissue paper around the old photographs of a fascinating family and tucking them away until a future Parkes family descendant stumbles across this blog and wants to know about, remember, and honor their ancestors. I am happy that I will be able to send them these pictures and return them to the family. For now, I'm satisfied to put the unnamed pictures aside and follow another path into the past.
Soon, I will be on another history detective adventure. Until then, I have planned some posts about how you can discover and preserve your own family history.
First... a little treat on this snowy winter wonderland day. A great Christmas gift idea!
I found this lady online who restores and colorizes old photos. Her name is Robin Clark. Her prices are reasonable and I thought it would be wonderful to take a picture of an ancestor and have it repaired, restored and even colorized as a gift for a loved one.
Check out Robin's site at and be sure to follow Memory Lane Photo Restoration on Facebook for some beautiful vintage artistry.
Robin's passion for restoring photographs developed into Memory Lane Photo Restoration after a 30 year career in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) where she learned a lot about photography. She now uses those skills to bring the past to life. Robin specializes in restoring photographs that are faded or damaged due to  water,  mold, or years of neglect.  She also beautifully colorizes photos -- bringing them back to life. Robin offers many services to help you preserve, protect and restore your family's images. Â
Here are examples of her work:

Take care of your ancestors and family history. One day, it may be you who will need preserving and remembering.