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Three Guys from Albuquerque - Part 2
To find out how I picked up three 19th century guys in Albuquerque, New Mexico, read my first post in this series here. Albuquerque was...
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Three Guys from Albuquerque - Part 1
I know I've been absent for a while. I have a valid excuse. I can't wait to tell you what I have been working on! But you'll have to...
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Frozen in Time
What struck me first was how much she looked like my grandmother, Marjorie. It was just another post on Facebook. People post links to...
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Finding Jersey - part 7
This post is part of a series. To start from the beginning, go here. I had the most trouble finding information on Shirley "Jersey" Buhl...
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1331 S. Webster Avenue
One of my favorite things to do is to research the history of a property. Any building or residence older than 50 years usually has great...
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Finding Jersey, Part 6
This post is part of a series. To start from the beginning, go here. In researching Shirley Buhl, nicknamed 'Jersey', I also wanted to...
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Finding Jersey - part 5
This post is part of a series. If you would like to start from the beginning, go here. I had so much fun uncovering all I could about...
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Finding Jersey - Part 4
This post is part of a series. To read part 1, go here. My hunt for a little girl nicknamed "Jersey" discovered in a collection by Paul...
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Finding Jersey - part 3
My hunt for little "Jersey" and her family was about to get a HUGE boost! Paul Holbrook, the owner of the glass negatives said that he...
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Finding Jersey - part 2
Although I was instantly enamored with the pouty doe-eyed girl from New Jersey I knew that identifying her would be difficult, if not...
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Finding Jersey - part 1
I don't know what it was about her. Probably those big eyes. Or the sweet baby cheeks. Whatever it was, the little girl from the 1940's...
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Identify Your Old Photographs - part 5
In my last post I showed how to date a photograph by looking at women's clothing styles for each decade from 1850 - 1940. This post will...
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Identify Your Old Photographs - part 4
This is part four in my series about how to identify family members in old photographs. To read part one, go here. In this post, we will...
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Identify Your Old Photographs - part 3
In my last post, I discussed how to begin identifying old family photographs by dating the picture. Noting the type of photography and...
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Identify Your Old Photographs - Part 2
In my last post, I discussed chain of custody and context as primary clues to identifying old photographs. This series is important to me...
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Identify your Old Photographs - Part 1
In my last post, I discussed protecting your old photographs and negatives. Today, I wanted to discuss something near and dear to my...
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How to Protect and Preserve old Negatives and Photographs
If you have daguerreotypes, ambrotypes or tintypes (described in my previous post) they should be kept in their original case. If they...
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How to identify old negatives and photographs
If you come across old negatives in your family possessions, perhaps you weren't sure what, or who, you were looking at. You may have...
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Preserving Your Family Love Stories
Part of the fabric of your history is the history of your parents, grandparents, and ancestors. Their story is part of your story. The...
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One Hundred Years Ago...
A two year long influenza outbreak was afflicting the United States. Over 1,000 new cases were reported in New York alone on January 22,...
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